Monday, August 17, 2009

Merriweather Initial Thoughts

To begin, this was one of the best times I've had at a show. It's not often that i get to bring a dozen friends with me including many who were at their first show. We had a blast in the lot playing hippie drinking games (notably Amy, Dylan and Carolyn), managed to get everyone into the Pavilion where you could actually see and just had an all around great show.

It was a wonderful way to end summer tour back on the east coast with a hometown show with friends.

Merriweather as a venue pretty much sucks. The sound is damn near awful, the lawn has no line of sight to the stage and the bathrooms aren't big enough to handle a sold out crowd.

On the plus side there was ZERO security going in and they sell the biggest/cheapest draft beers i've seen on tour.

The show was...well...likely the worst i've seen this year barring the 46 Days>Oh Sweet Nuttin, Hood, which was epic. Great encore as well, but i feel like good encores have been saving shows recently, rather than topping them off.

Best Hood of 09. And i rarely say things like that.

The Tweezer>Taste was nice, but how can you kill a set with Alaska AND Let Me Lie?!?!?!? Especially after the painfully dull Time Turns Elastic to close set one...

Party Time was cool, and i hope it turns into a second set jam out of monsters like Tweezer, Ghost, Disease and belongs in the middle of long type 2 jam sections that almost get lost for a second. It has the potential to be a crutch, but to also have Meatstick like longevity out of a tounge in cheek song.

All in all a decent show, and a nice end to a great summer run.

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